Weekly Features

Maddi Dayton

Cougar Questions: ‘What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date?’

"It would be raining. I would text her and say, 'Are you home?' When she said yes I would go over, knock on her door. Then in the pouring rain I would sing Maroon 5's 'She Will Be Loved.' Then we would dance, also in the rain."

Police Beat: August 6 — August 13

BYUTheftAn officer responded to the WSC following a report of a missing keyboard. Later in the day, the keyboard was located in the area...

How to: Spice up your ramen noodles

Ramen noodles have a reputation for being the poor, starving college students' go-to food. They can get old and boring after a while, though....

BYUSA executives discuss changes to charter

BYUSA executives explain the process how new additives or changes can be implemented into the charter. While BYUSA students have the ability to share their new ideas, it takes more authority to be able to add those changes to the charter.

Cougar Questions: If you could have anything in the world for...

Kids get to ask for ponies, Xbox games and remote-control helicopters each Christmas. College students, on the other hand, are supposed to be "responsible,"...

BYU student makes Shark Tank deal for toilet night light

Matt Alexander, a 25-year-old BYU student pursuing a business degree, presented his product with co-founder Mike Kannely on Shark Tank March 11. Kevin O'Leary, one of the sharks, made a deal with Alexander and Kannely of $100,000 for 25 percent of their company.