Recommended classes for winter semester


Building sanity into a rigorous academic schedule at BYU can be difficult. Seniors and graduates shared some of their favorite classes, which helped them find time for exercise, fresh air or mental space.

Yoga (STAC 109)

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means union. Yoga unites the mind, body and spirit. BYU yoga instructor Heather Wing said that yoga helps students de-stress, improve posture and strengthen muscles. She said most of the benefit comes in how students think and speak to themselves.

“It is more nurturing than many of us are used to,” Wing said. Yoga encourages healthy bodies, peaceful minds and still spirits.

Wing and her yoga classes were previously featured on BYUtv. Watch the video here. 

Introduction to Outdoor Recreation Activities (RECM 123)

The recreation management tab on MyMap offers a variety of outdoor activity courses to mix up the average student schedule. Besides the introduction to outdoor recreation activities class, mountain biking, fly fishing, camping, rock climbing and skiing courses are also offered under this tab.

Ice Skating (STAC 150)

Take a break from the library and hit the ice rink instead. Ice skating is a great way to make friends and make the most of the winter season.

“It was a class I could relax in,” BYU senior Shea Jones said. “I knew I could have fun with all my friends … and I didn’t have to stress over it.”

Ice skating is located in the student activities (STAC) tab on MyMap, where students can also find a variety of other sports and fitness classes.

Business Management Executive Lectures (Bus M 380)

CEOs and other successful business leaders speak to BYU students on a weekly basis in this course. Speakers motivate students to work hard and complete their education by sharing personal stories.

Speakers may focus on topics of integrity, leadership by example, balancing family with work and following the Lord’s plan in one’s career path. BYU pre-finance student Nick Strobel said the class has minimal homework, which allows students to focus on the advice each speaker gives.

There are no business school pre-requisites for this course, so it is open to anyone.

Essentials of Human Nutrition (NDFS 100)

Students learn how to read nutrition labels, decipher facts versus myths about dietary supplements and evaluate their food intakes.

“Many students who have taken the class say that it was one of the most useful courses they took at BYU,” said Lora Brown, Nutrition Program Coordinator for the BYU Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Science.

She said many students find ways to more nutritiously and inexpensively feed themselves.

Music Lessons (MUSIC 160R)

Let the creativity flow. Take a break from regular reading and writing by practicing an instrument. BYU offers private music lessons through the music tab on MyMap.

Music 160R courses provide lessons for everything from the bassoon to the violin. Music major status is not required, so all students are welcome to take music lessons.

Strengthening Marriage and Family: Proclamation Principles and Scholarship (SFL 100)

Recent BYU graduate, Jenna Cannon, recommended the strengthening marriage and family class. “If you’re searching for a class that isn’t too tough but is enriching, I’d recommend (it).”

Students use church and scholarly perspectives to discover elements of a successful family. This class can help students spiritually recharge and provides lifelong, useful concepts.

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