Letter: New pyramid, old pyramid

The Viewpoint on the new MyPlate program (6/9) would have us believe Americans are too dense to understand a simple pyramid. However, the facts...

Letter: Getting women involved

I was greatly disappointed while reading the Readers’ Forum as I ran across the letter about sexism in intramurals (6/7). The author claimed she...

Letter: Award-winning defense

My 16-year-old son and I have just finished reading historian David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize winning biography, “Truman.”I suggest before the author of “An international...

Letter: Limited freedom at BYU

Regarding Thursday’s Viewpoint, “Speak your mind — The blessings of free speech (6/2),” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the mention of “free speech”...

Letter: To the bikers

I am in no way opposed to bicycles. I enjoy a good bike ride every now and then. However, I am extremely frustrated with...

Letter: Stubborn facts

While I certainly consider myself a champion of free speech, a word of wisdom to those who would exercise (some might say abuse) that...
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