Viewpoint: Finals aren’t too scary if you’re ready

I know how it feels. The term is going great. You’re really on top of things. It seems like just last week you aced your...

Letter: Universal censorship

To the author of “Limited freedom at BYU (6/9)”, you are completely right, there is no absolute free speech at BYU.However, you make a...

Viewpoint: MyPlate sets the nutrition table

As far as I can tell, the U.S. Department of Agriculture thinks Americans are kind of dumb.What scares me the most is I think...

Letter: Sexism in intramurals

Recently a BYU Intramural soccer policy came to my attention stating goals scored by females earn double the points as those scored by males.I...

Letter: Licensed dropouts

Being a high school dropout myself, I would be against the Minnesota law banning high school dropouts from getting driver’s licenses.I never actually dropped...

Letter: In defense of Truman

After reading the letter “An international criminal (6/2),” I was grossly disappointed to see the rash comparison being made between one of our nation’s...
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