Looking back

I made it. I’m standing at the end of the road as a BYU graduate. As I reach the end of this journey, I...

Don’t bottle it up

After a wonderful Conference weekend full of inspirational talks by our leaders and some forced self-evaluation, I found myself crying to my roommate. I'm...

‘I get knocked down, but I get up again’

Two years ago I bought a bike. A nice bike. I named her Stella. (Yes, she’s a she. And yes, I refer to her...

Just commit already

“But what if someone better comes along?” I remember saying these words to my boyfriend during one of our increasingly frequent talks about marriage....

Chill, y’all

The other night I was sitting in my living room, working on homework, and I noticed my wife was pacing around with a very...

Cut the comparisons

You’ve been trained since you were young that the only way to understand who you are is to compare yourself to others.Where did this...
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