Mint Brownie Chocolate Milk now available on campus


BYU released its new Mint Brownie Chocolate Milk today in celebration of being ranked the No. 1 Stone-Cold Sober school for 21 straight years.

As of Jan. 28, students can buy BYU’s new Mint Brownie Chocolate Milk on campus in campus vending machines, the Cougareat, the Blue Line Deli and all creamery locations.

Less than six hours after BYU posted the news on its Twitter page, the post received 230 likes, 22 retweets and 16 comments. According to BYU Store employee Rollin Sutherin, the store’s Twilight Zone alone sold 45 units in the first hour and has been constantly restocking since.

The drink made a brief campus appearance on Sept. 7, when students grabbed a free cup to celebrate being the No. 1 Stone-Cold Sober university.

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