Dance department performances kick off with the Young Ambassadors.


If you like Broadway, musicals, singing or just having a good time, the Young Ambassadors new show, Thank You For The Music, is for you.

The Young Ambassadors are a singing and dancing group at BYU. The new performance features songs from various mediums: radio, stage and movies.

“We strive to share the light of Jesus Christ through song and dance. I don’t know, it’s very special being at BYU where you know we are such a Chirst-centered school and we’re able to incorporate that into our show,” JRay Kuhn, a senior and first-time member of Young Ambassadors, said.

The Young Ambassadors have been performing for more than 50 years to audiences all across the globe. The group has performed in major concert halls, government palaces, orphanages and hospitals in more than 68 countries.

The students deliver a fast-paced show inspired by American musical theater, pop and rock music. Director Nathan Balser said he wanted a show that had minimal dialogue and translation.

“We wanted it to be mostly about the music and as I started thinking about that, I thought, oh, what if we focus on different genres of music?” Balser said.

Bright outfits and intense choreography fill the show. It even includes segments where audience members can participate.

The students put in hours of preparation. They reviewed choreography and music and practiced their instruments in hopes that audiences of all ages would enjoy the show.

“It was wonderful. I’m always amazed at how many hours of practice and coordination it would have taken,” James Dunn, a 54-year-old from Idaho, said.

Nathan Balser said he hopes audiences will remember how they felt during the show and leave with a smile on their face.

The Young Ambassadors are set to travel to China for their summer tour this year.

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