BYUSA helps students show their Y

Students arrive at the BYUSA Open House event. Students are invited to come to the BYUSA office to learn more about BYUSA programs. (Angela Hernandez)

The BYU Student Service Association hosted its annual open house with the theme “Let’s show the Y” to invite all students to learn more about its office and services offered throughout the school year.

BYUSA strives to help create meaningful connections, foster an inclusive campus and create leaders through service. The student organization is composed of five different areas, including activities, clubs and connections.

Fritz-Carl Morlant, BYU Student Body President, said he wants BYUSA to be a place where everyone feels like they belong and can feel comfortable getting involved. Morlant hoped the open house helped students become familiar with BYUSA and encouraged students to see the student presidency as a resource on campus.

Frtiz-Carl Morlant, BYUSA President, greets students at the BYUSA open house on Sept. 13. Students were able to come and tour the BYUSA office to learn more about the facility. (Angela Hernandez)

Morlant explained this year’s theme is about highlighting the beauty of BYU.

“We love BYU and why students choose to come here — the beauty and the diversity that is here. This is what our campaign is about,” Morlant said. “Having an authentic experience and helping students know and feel that they belong here and they can get involved and make an impact on campus and the world.”

Throughout the open house, different areas within BYUSA presented and shared what they do for BYU. Students were able to tour the facility, learn more about the office and connect with fellow students in leadership positions.

“BYUSA offers many opportunities for students to serve and make connections,” Morlant said. “Some of their responsibilities include clubs, campus activities, student advisement councils and honors. Students can come into the office and learn more about specific activities and are encouraged to participate and become involved on campus.”

Through BYUSA, students can participate and get connected with other people who have the same goal of creating and experiencing belonging. Students are not limited to just one area of participation and are invited to participate in as many areas as they are interested in.

“We want students to know what BYUSA does, and we want students to be able to know all the different activities and the ways they can be involved,” Emily Smith, BYUSA office manager, said. “One of the best ways you can have a good experience at a large university like BYU is to find something to be involved in … we want students to become more involved.”

Lexi McMullin helps a student at the front desk. Students can come into the office and ask questions about BYUSA. (Angela Hernandez)

BYUSA strives to help students know they belong and that there are always ways to serve. BYUSA Director Angela Blomquist loves seeing students come into the BYUSA office and having the energy of the students in their office.

“That’s what we’re about — we are about getting students involved and having students serve students on campus. It’s wonderful to see this turnout and have all these students in here talking to our student leaders,” Blomquist said.

Students can find more information regarding how to get involved in BYUSA activities by visiting their office located at 3400 WSC or by visiting their website.

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