Community Helps Teen after Vandalized Car


Donovan Mitchell, Rudy Gobert, and other athletes around Utah are helping a Pleasant Grove boy after his car was vandalized.

Vandalism has been an issue for the Holdaway family, with the most recent offense including Pleasant Grove High School Junior Luc Holdaway’s car covered in manure.

“He called me when he got back to his car to come home and said, ‘Dad, my car is covered in crap,’” Luc’s father Seth Holdaway said.

Luc is a well-known soccer player at the high school, but he continued to endure acts of vandalism that eventually went too far.

Jimmy Rex, an active Twitter user and real estate expert, learned of Luc and wanted him to feel loved in Utah.

“I think all of us have a little bit of Luc in us. We’ve all been bullied, we’ve all been picked on at some point in our lives,” Jimmy said.

Jimmy created a Facebook group and Instagramer Garrett Gee of The Bucket List Family, as well as Jazz players Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert reached out to Luc.

“He was on his phone and just looked at me and I thought something terrible had happened and he was like, ‘Dad, Donovan Mitchell just texted me,’” Seth said.

Throughout all of this, Luc has maintained a very positive attitude, but he wants to take the spotlight off him and focus on how we can help people in our communities.

“Luc was ready to forgive right away. As a father, that makes you really happy but it also reminds you that people make mistakes. When they make mistakes, if we can forgive, we should,” Seth added.

The lesson learned through all this as Jimmy said on his Twitter account is that “two kids acting as bullies don’t define a community but rather two thousand people that have stepped in to correct their error does.”

“The power and collaboration of people coming together is just a message of love that is always needed more and more,” Jimmy said.

Moving forward and into the holiday season, the hope is to better love one another.

“Look for opportunities to serve, get out of our comfort zones a little bit and put some effort out there and magical things come about,” added Jimmy.

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