At 11:55 a.m., students form crowds as they walk from one class to another. Some call home. Others dress up as Zombies and flash mob to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' in the Joseph Fielding Smith Building courtyard.

Students dance to 'Thriller' outside the JFSB between passing periods on Oct. 29. This event was a promotion for The Wall's electronic dance party on Oct. 30. (Jenna Koford)
A flash mob broke out during the passing period, featuring 15 students hunched over, sporting fake blood and The Wall t-shirts.
This was a promotional event for The Wall, which invites students to their Halloween Electronic Dance Party Oct. 30 from 8:30 to 11:00 p.m.
Ben Johns, a sophomore studying business administration, works as a Wall event planner. Johns said usually when they ask people about The Wall on campus, they're hit with questions right back, like, 'What is The Wall?'
He said they wanted to think of a new idea apart from passing out flyers at a booth or only using social media.
'I think we really captured what we wanted to do, there was like, a ton of people here,' Johns said. The group had a few rehearsals to learn the dance, and hundreds stopped in the JFSB courtyard to watch and film.
Johns said 88 people claim to be 'going' to the event via Facebook, but he and The Wall expect more than 100. 'It's all electronic dance music, top 40 stuff,' he said when talking about the music.