BYU Army ROTC to honor fallen soldier



Memorial Wall honors BYU students who have died in combat. (Photo by Mark Philbrick)

The BYU Army ROTC will honor Capt. Scott P. Pace with a memorial service and add his name to BYU’s Memorial Wall on Friday.

Pace, a former BYU student, was killed in action while serving in Afghanistan on June 6.

The service will begin at 11 a.m. in the Varsity Theatre where close friends and family will share personal thoughts and experiences about Pace. Elder Lance B. Wickman, an Army veteran and Emeritus General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will speak at the memorial service.

The official unveiling of Capt. Pace’s name on the Memorial Wall will take place immediately following the service. BYU students and faculty are welcome to attend the memorial service and witness the unveiling of Pace’s name.

Lt. Col. Dewey Boberg, professor of military science in the Army ROTC, said that a small percentage of Americans have direct connections to military members. Boberg said many students think of veterans as their grandparents’ age, but that it is important that everyone have the opportunity to witness the honor and tradition of the Army and recognize that there are still men and women making those sacrifices today.

“There are still those that are willing to make those commitments, take those oaths and lay down their lives for the freedoms that we currently enjoy,” Boberg said. “I think it needs to be known on campus so that others can be aware that there are still people making sacrifices. It’s not ancient history, this is current history.”

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