Letter: Defense


The letter titled “The Heaps bandwagon (11/29)” was an embarrassment to the BYU community and especially The Daily Universe.

This letter to the editor was a new low for the paper.

Since when is it acceptable for a student newspaper, particularly one at Brigham Young University, to publish letters to the editor that call out and seek to embarrass specific students — particularly students who did absolutely nothing to provoke such a complaint?

If that letter had been about a non-athlete student, I can guarantee the Universe never would have published it.

I am ashamed of the fact that there are BYU fans who think the players who represent them on athletic teams are fair game for such attacks simply because they don’t throw for 400 yards and five touchdowns every game.

Such attitudes reflect an almost complete lack of Christian virtue and kindness.

More than that, I am ashamed of the fact that The Daily Universe allowed such garbage to be printed in its paper.

The paper is under no obligation to print assaults on specific students.

In the future, I ask that the Universe please put letters like that where they belong:  in the garbage can.

Brett  Dowdle
Fort Worth, Texas

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