12 stages of graduation anxiety


Finally, the long-awaited moment has come. For almost twenty years of your life, you’ve been in school. There was always a next step to take. Now you’ve applied for graduation, and only one semester stands between you and a fancy college degree. Sure, some of us are facing grad school, but for the rest of us soon-to-be graduates, the path is wide open. Here are 12 experiences you may have as you approach that final walk across the stage.

You register for your last semester of classes, and your graduation application is approved.

Someone asks you where you see yourself in five years.

But really you’re having an internal crisis thinking you chose the wrong major, and you may never get a job.

Your school work effort reaches new lows.

Some professors still believe in group projects and 15-page papers.

You get emails about how you are expecting to pay off student loans. Sadly, federal loan “exit counseling” doesn’t include a therapist.

The prospect of not living with roommates anymore is enough to keep your spirits up though.

You need to start applying and interviewing for real-life-grown-up jobs.

Hearing classmates and friends talk about their internships and careers they have lined up after graduation may make you feel like you’re the only person who doesn’t have their life together.

Every single person in your life asks you where you’re going to get a job.

And if you’re single graduating from BYU, you not only join an exclusive club, but you realize that your life is even more uncertain.

 It’s all going to be okay, though, because we never have to wait in a testing center line, stay up all night writing a paper or climb the stairs to campus EVER. AGAIN.

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