
Dorothy Edwards

Bush hits campaign reset; says he’s a doer, not a talker

GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is hitting the reset button on his underwhelming campaign. Bush says his message won't change, but his tactics and strategy will.

News Briefs Nov. 3, 2015

The top news stories throughout the world within the past week.

BYU democrats urge students to think for themselves, engage in politics

The BYU College Democrats Club is on a quest to reduce political apathy as well as bipartisan imbalance on the BYU campus.A 2002 Gallup poll listed Utah...

World Congress of Families IX: New generation of advocates learning about...

This week's gathering of the World Congress of Families in Salt Lake City is the first time the event has taken place in the...

World Congress of Families IX: Society needs to turn back toward...

In today's society, only 25 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 30 are married, and an additional 25 percent claim they...

House GOP, eager to mend wounds, elects Ryan as new speaker

Splintered House Republicans elected Rep. Paul Ryan to be the chamber's 54th speaker on Thursday, turning to the youthful but battle-tested Wisconsin lawmaker to mend the party's self-inflicted wounds and help woo voters in next year's elections.