Letter: Hairy condemnation

To the author of “Honorable Hair (10/11),” I would like you to take a minute and think about what you wrote.It was extremely inconsiderate...

Letter: Chameleon Bikers

I am a custodial supervisor at BYU and often get the inside track on some of the dangers we all experience as we go...

Letter: Never partisan

If the UN’s ‘biggest mistake’ was granting legitimacy to Israel in 1947, then what business does the UN have further interfering with any member-state’s...

Letter: Honorable Hair

I couldn’t help but notice a recent opinion piece, titled “Touchdown Tresses 10/4,” where the central message seemed to be ‘I thank thee I...

Letter: Civility in Readers’ Forum

Nobody ever likes to get called out anonymously or sarcastically and its seems like all these letters to the editor are criticizing or judging...

Letter: Learning from crazy

There is a war of words over the candidacy of Ron Paul.His loyal supporters accuse the “mainstream media” of refusing to take him seriously....
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