Letter: Hairy condemnation


To the author of “Honorable Hair (10/11),” I would like you to take a minute and think about what you wrote.

It was extremely inconsiderate and inappropriate for you to claim women who have hair shorter than your requirement have allowed their “standards to be lowered” or they are in “direct contradiction to the Holy Scriptures.”


Think, for just a minute, about a woman going through chemotherapy who has to have her hair short in order to save her life.

A woman who, perhaps, has just finished her long, awful fight with cancer and is working on growing her hair back out.

Think about the friend of this woman, who didn’t want her friend to be bald and cut off as much hair as she could to make a wig for this friend.

Maybe these girls you see are going through premature thinning and don’t look good with longer hair.

Maybe their younger siblings pulled a prank on them and cut off their ponytail.

Maybe bubble gum got stuck in their hair.

Maybe they are sick of dealing with their hair.

Maybe, just maybe, they like it that way.

I don’t have a pixie hair cut and so I am not being defensive — I just think you need to look at both sides of the situation before casting judgment.

There is a purpose behind everything, so next time you condemn women for their length of hair, please just take a minute to think about the circumstances.


Anna McKean

Salt Lake City

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