Get your ‘freak out’ on

Haunts all over Utah are busy scaring, spooking and sending shivers down spines. There are haunted houses, abandoned bars and factories, forests and asylums...

Other family friendly, but still spooky, options available for Halloween

For the young children and the easily frightened, there are plenty of things to do in October besides going to haunted houses. This year...

Elder Dallin H. Oaks testifies before the Senate Finance Committee

Elder Dallin H. Oaks asked the Senate Finance Committee to keep tax deductions for charitable donations on Tuesday. Oaks appealed to the senators by...

Indecision, politics mark redistricting special session

SALT LAKE CITY -- As citizens protested on Utah's Capitol Hill Monday, legislators spent a long day in political posturing, negotiating and haggling in...

Utah Farm Bureau holds campaigning seminar

Hilary NortonFor those considering running for a political office, or simply interested in some basic campaign training, Utah Farm Bureau is holding a campaign...

New Provo temple expected to boost downtown businesses

Scroll down to hear interviews with Provo business owners.Next to the pawn shops, fabric stores and abandoned boutiques in downtown Provo comes an LDS...
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