Good news Thursday: The Universe gives thanks

This Thursday, the Daily Universe Staff compiled some of the reasons why they are giving thanks. Here are some things we are feeling especially...

BYU religion professor reconsiders Church history with new book

Religion professor Anthony Sweat released a book that was seven years in the making. His book, Repicturing the Restoration shares 25 original painting depicting never before seen art from Church history.

New DNA blood test detects antibiotic resistant bacteria in an hour

Four BYU professors created a new test that detects antibiotic resistant bacteria in the blood to help people with blood diseases find treatment sooner.

Quarantine 15: COVID-19 stress can lead to weight gain

Some at BYU have noted similar body changes during periods of quarantine or isolation as a result of COVID-19. With physical and recreational activity virtually nonexistent and looming anxiety induced by the global pandemic, lifestyle change and stress-related weight gain is becoming more commonplace.

Many BYU students staying in Provo, returning before January

Despite BYU’s encouragement for students to return home for Thanksgiving and stay there, many BYU students are choosing to stay in Provo or, if they are leaving, to return to Provo before Christmas.

Provo therapists say mental health concerns are high amid COVID-19

Therapists in Utah County are adjusting to meeting with their patients virtually, but are continuing to see an increase of mental health concerns related to COVID-19.
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