
6 ways to solve student stress in Provo

Campus is buzzing with busy bodies cramming for finals, but it's important to remember that both your brain and body need breaks! Here are some ideas...

Steven Roberts: How to pay for college without student loans

BYU students are missing out on a goldmine of free money because they don't know where to find it or have no motivation to apply for it. BYU students are eligible for hundreds of scholarships they don't know about.
Maddi Dayton

Students relieve stress with BYU Spring Break

It was time to celebrate the warm weather (today, anyway) and prepare for an excruciating finals week by taking a week off.

Elder Steven E. Snow to speak at BYU Commencement exercises

The presiding authority and speaker during Brigham Young University’s commencement exercises will be Elder Steven E. Snow, a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

TEDxBYU 2015 comes to Provo

BYU's Ballard Center hosted TEDxBYU at the Provo Covey Center April 9, 2015. Crowds packed the auditorium to hear presenters from a variety of backgrounds, including a Tesla Motors Senior Program Manager, a planetary scientist and a rising composer and percussionist.
Elliott Miller

Life Sciences Building dedicated by Elder Russell M. Nelson

Elder Russell M Nelson, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated BYU's new Life Sciences Building.He said that in this facility, the focus will be centered on learning from and about God's creations. "For students, there is nowhere better to confront the questions shared between science and religion than in the College of Life Sciences at Brigham Young University."