‘Hidden gem’ classes to take next semester


BYU offers more than 3,000 courses to choose from, filling general credits, major requirements, minors and more. The number of required courses and requirements may feel overwhelming, but the course catalog also includes enjoyable classes.

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Registration for the 2022 spring and summer terms are now open and fall registration begins June 6. Students looking for a fun or engaging class to fill their schedule next semester could consider these “hidden gem” classes.

STDEV 319 Professional Etiquette

The professional etiquette course involves learning social and behavioral expectations in a professional setting. Other topics covered include interviewing and entertaining, as described in the class overview.

“Every day you walk out of that class with the skills and the desire to be a better person. That class has changed my life and my outlook on the world,” student Elizabeth Rex said.

SFL 376 Healthy Sexuality in Marriage

The class overview for Healthy Sexuality in Marriage says the topic is framed through gospel-related theories and research. The overall purpose is to allow students to develop healthy attitudes and skills for healthy sexual thoughts and feelings. It is not a class exclusive to married students.

“Dr. Leavitt makes material that could be super uncomfortable really easy to engage with. The lectures are so much fun!” student Myanna Moody said. “Plus, I feel like I learned so much I never learned from sex ed. It’s a really open class for discussion so I’ve learned a ton from my classmates as well. I literally can’t recommend it highly enough, I think everyone should take it.”

IHUM 244 Humanities of Africa

The humanities of Africa class explores the major art aspects of African culture. This includes African historical, religious and philosophical settings.

“It covers a lot of subject matter that isn’t in normal classes,” student Joel Emmett said.

HIST 205 Introduction to Family History Doctrine and Practice

This family history class teaches the basics of genealogy, family history and Family Search Family Tree software.

“I just like family history in general, but it also counts for religion credit and is fun,” student Ashlan Gruwell said.

STDEV Classes

All course overviews can be found on the BYU Undergraduate catalog.

  • STDEV 117 Career Exploration: “Applying theories of individual, academic and career development to the university student. Exploring university opportunities and college majors; graduation planning.”
  • STDEV 140 Life Planning and Decision Making: “Individual development in life planning and decision making, emphasizing personal maturity, goal setting and decision-making abilities in areas of common concern to young adults.”
  • STDEV 150 Public Speaking: “Principles and methods of public speaking; speaking experiences.”

SWELL Classes

  • SWELL 102 Meditation: “Learn and apply methods of meditation to quiet the mind.”
  • SWELL 109 Yoga: “Yoga teaches how to exercise and/or meditate in order to unify the mind, body and spirit, feeling quiet in your mind, strong and energized in your body and peaceful in your spirit.”
  • SWELL 116 Beginning Bowling: “Beginning skills, rules and scoring of bowling. Equipment, rules/scoring, grip/setup, approach/arm swing, strike targeting, straight ball, hook ball and spare targeting.”
  • SWELL 146 Beginning Racquetball: “Beginning skills, rules and etiquette of singles, doubles and cut-throat racquetball. Skills include serves, offensive and defensive shots, offensive and defensive strategies, drills.”
Students in yoga class take a pose. Student Leah Bryan said this class helped her manage stress. (Universe Files)
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