The quest for “The Shirt”


Football, volleyball, and tennis.  These are just a few of the sports played in BYU intramurals.

Every week, students put down their textbooks to pack the courts and fields on campus.

And what do these competitive co-eds play for?  For championship trophies?  No.  They play for something much more valuable:  the coveted BYU “Intramural Champion” t-shirt.

Many students will play sport, after sport, after sport, just to win the shirt.

Senior Blake VanderStek played basketball, tennis, and ultimate Frisbee before collecting his first champion shirt in flag football.   He didn’t wait long to flaunt it around campus.

“As soon as we won, I wore it the next day at school, of course, and showed it off,” said VanderStek.  “I still keep it in my closet because I wear it often.”

Fellow Senior Cole Crowther considers his champion shirt his most prized possession.

“It’s the most coveted thing at BYU, next to the diploma, or right up there with it,” said Crowther.  “Everyone wants the shirt.”

And after winning your first shirt, is it time to hang up the cleats?  No.  The next task is to repeat.

“We got another team this fall before we all graduate, so we got to defend it,” said Crowther.

With 16 different sports played fall semester, there are a lot of ways to become an intramural champion.

To learn how to become a champion yourself, visit or room 145 in the Richards Building.

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