Criminal Mischief
Feb. 26 — A complainant reported vandalism at West Campus. A room had been spray painted. It was last known to be vandalism free on Feb. 21. The door to the room will now be locked and the case is being investigated.
Feb. 25 — A student created a device giving them access to all Helaman and Heritage Halls buildings. The Investigations Division is still looking into the case.
Feb. 25 — An employee at the Richards Building Swimming Pool reported another employee looked sick, stating the sickness was caused from a Budge Hall resident cooking meth inside the Hall. An officer spoke with the supposedly sick employee but the employee denied being sick. The employee did mention they had heard about drug use at Budge Hall third- or fourth-hand but claimed they had never witnessed anything.
Feb. 25 — A suspicious email was sent to a BYU administrator. The author of the email appeared to have mental health challenges and to be seeking help. A follow-up is being conducted.
Feb. 25 — Officers responded to a report of a suspicious individual near the Creamery on Ninth. The individual had tried entering the MTC, found it was locked and then tried to enter the creamery. The officers made contact with the individual, who claimed they were waiting for the creamery to open to get ice cream. After getting ice cream, the individual left the area.
Feb. 25 — An officer responded to a report of broken glass in the parking lot west of the Richards Building. The officer took pictures of the glass and filed a report.
Feb. 27 — A suspicious call took place after an Uber Eats driver was mistaken for an aggressive individual.
Feb. 25 — A 2018 Specialized Mountain Bike was reported stolen from the bike rack west of Heritage Halls Building 4. The bike was registered with BYU Police and the theft is under investigation.
Feb. 26 — An individual called to report their stolen bike some time in the last two weeks. Security footage found it was stolen Feb. 15. The case is still under investigation.
Feb. 27 — A bicycle was stolen near Wyview Park. The case has been referred to the Investigations Division for a follow-up.
Traffic Stop
Feb. 26 — An officer stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation near Y Trailhead. The driver was violating their driver's permit and illegally possessed a vape device full of nicotine. The driver was cited for three violations and their parents were called to pick up the vehicle.
Feb. 27 — A driver was pulled over on 820 N after a license plate check revealed the vehicle did not have insurance. In addition, the driver did not have a valid driver's license. The vehicle was impounded and the driver was cited.