‘Come and Sea’: Students showcase talents in BYUSA Clubs variety show

Students Sarah Witney, Chance Hayes, Thomas Witney, Kaden Franklin and David Lloyd show off their yo-yos as part of the club on campus. Thomas Witney created the club last semester, and they all participated in the variety show during the showcase. (Stacia O’Leary)

BYUSA Clubs hosted a variety show and booths in the Wilkinson Student Center to highlight the various clubs on campus on March 21. The event’s theme for the night was “Come and Sea.”

The variety show featured performances from the BYU Beatboxing Club, Taekwondo Club, Medieval Club, Esperanto Club, Yoyo Club and others. Each club practiced a skit, routine, or piece to demonstrate what their club was about in order to show BYU students the diverse clubs available on campus. The emcees for the show were from the improvisation club Laugh Out Loud.

“It’s a time for students to showcase their clubs,” BYUSA Clubs member Emma Stoker said. “It is so people can walk past and see what the clubs are all about.”

Throughout the event, raffle prizes were given away, which included t-shirts, Squishmallows and other similar items.

The BYU Beatboxing Club on campus performed a rap battle, where two students, who went by Uncle Beats and Brown Sugar, took turns beatboxing and responding each for a minute.

“Uncle Beats,” as he introduced himself, beatboxes at the variety show. He performed in a “beatbox battle” with “Brown Sugar.” (Stacia O’Leary)
“Brown Sugar,” as he was introduced, beatboxes during the variety show. He was in a “beatbox battle” against “Uncle Beats.” (Stacia O’Leary)

Awards were handed out throughout the evening, and the Beatbox Club won the “Better Than a Political Debate” award.

One of the clubs present at the event was the BYU Medieval Club. During their presentation, they performed a fencing demonstration and taught the audience a medieval dance.

According to Travis Schenck, the faculty advisor of the Medieval Club, the club has been on campus for a long time.

“The Medieval Club has existed in one form or another since 1997,” he said. “The club covers the time period of 600 to 1600.” In the future, the club will host a regency dance to learn steps to dances from Jane Austen’s time period.

The BYU Taekwondo Club presented a form, which is a combination of moves to show various skills. The forms consisted of blocks, kicks, stances and strikes. The three female students who presented sparred with each other while music played in the background. The club won the “Really Good Balance” award of the evening.

Another club featured at the event, the Yoyo Club, was created during fall semester by BYU student Thomas Witney and his friends. The club invites students of all ability levels to learn how to yo-yo and practice tricks, he said.

“We have been able to teach people about a passion of ours,” Kaden Franklin, one of the original members of the Yoyo Club, said.

Franklin said, in addition to sharing what he loves with BYU students, the club is able to reach out to the community as well.

“It has been really cool because we have some members who are in junior high as well, and it is cool to reach out to them,” he said.

Other clubs, such as the Chess Club, could not present during the variety show, so booths were set up in the Garden Court in the WSC in order for students to learn more.

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