Local entrepreneur discusses being a 20-year-old in business — ‘Entrepreneurship had always been a big part of my life’


Local entrepreneur Camille Weston launched her digital marketing agency, Nona Rose Agency, this summer and is growing her business and herself in the process.

Weston grew up on a farm in Indiana and was homeschooled until eighth grade and the now 20-year-old had always been determined to become a doctor. Weston said her plan was to major in genetics at BYU then attend medical school at the University of Utah, following in her father’s footsteps.

While she began to execute this plan with introductory courses at BYU, Weston quickly realized it may not be right for her.

“All of a sudden it wasn’t the same passion I’d had,” Weston said. “I was like, ‘Wait, I don’t know if I want to do this for the rest of my life.’”

Camille Weston stands at her desk. Weston launched Nona Rose Agency, a digital marketing start-up, this summer. (Camille Weston)

After not knowing what to do, Weston thought about a variety of majors, but settled on entrepreneurship. She started taking classes and was accepted to the program, which was what she called a “complete 180” from what she had intended to do with her future.

Weston came to the realization that she was more experienced than she had initially thought.

“I actually had done a lot of entrepreneurship throughout my life,” Weston said. “I just hadn’t really realized that it was entrepreneurship.”

Weston said she had not previously understood that her upbringing was different as it allowed her to practice entrepreneurship from a young age by selling chicken eggs and produce from their family’s farm.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Weston picked up photography as a new hobby to stay busy during her senior year of high school. Her newfound hobby became a side gig as a wedding photographer, which she continued into college.

“Entrepreneurship had always been a big part of my life, but I hadn’t ever really been like, ‘This is something I could do full time,’” Weston said.

She said she had always viewed entrepreneurship as just a hobby until she was in the BYU program.

Weston took a class from adjunct professor Ryan Cook and learned a great deal about digital marketing. She said she was “blown away at how powerful” it is and began working for Quartz Marketing, an agency owned by Cook, almost immediately following the start of the class.

In December of 2021, Weston began taking her own clients and launched her agency, Nona Rose Agency. She said she does mostly backend work, with a lot of paid advertisements and organic search strategy, and relies on her business for income.

This summer, Weston hired her older sister, Grace Weston, and since then has added six more employees. Grace, who also studied entrepreneurship, said that previous to joining Nona Rose Agency, she was working as a nanny.

“I have started a couple businesses on my own in the past and I was ready for another entrepreneurial adventure,” Grace Weston said. “While Camille was doing freelance digital marketing work, I would help her write articles every now and then.”

While Grace Weston was complaining about her job one morning, Camille Weston offered her a spot with her new agency and she started that day.

“Camille and I plan to establish Nona Rose Agency here in Utah and then move to New York City and establish the agency there,” Grace Weston said. “I plan to stay with Nona Rose Agency for a while.” 

Camille Weston said she appreciates the experience she has working with other businesses and entrepreneurs in addition to with working with her sister.

“It’s really interesting to work, now, more with so many business owners and realizing how much we separate ourselves from other people who may be more successful,” Camille Weston said. “In a way, we separate ourselves when we’re really just very much the same.”

The agency just landed its first international client in London through cold emailing. The new client, Cornelia James, is a glove company that made gloves for Queen Elizabeth II.

Camille Weston said they find many of their clients this way, whether it be through reaching out via email, word of mouth, referrals or people she or her team members know. While Cornelia James is the first international client, Nona Rose Agency has clients throughout the country and looks forward to expanding further.

Grace Weston, left, and Camille Weston, right, celebrate getting their first international client at dinner in Salt Lake City. The sisters hope to continue to grow the business even further. (Photo courtesy of Camille Weston)

Camille Weston said the best part of her journey in entrepreneurship is the confidence she has gained in herself. She emphasized the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome.

“You can really do whatever you want to do,” Camille Weston said.

An impactful part of the process for Camille Weston has been meeting other people who have accomplished amazing things and surrounding herself with others who are also growing their own businesses.

“You attract what you radiate,” Camille Weston said.

Camille Weston did note the difficulties that have come with her endeavors, especially as a 20-year-old, as many people her age are not starting business. She said at times this may feel like she is missing out on the stereotypical college life, along with friendships and relationships, because she is so focused on her business and has to put in a lot of effort for it.

“Your business is your baby. It’s like a child. I never stop thinking about it,” Camille Weston said. “There’s never a moment when I’m not thinking about my business.”

Camille Weston explained that this mindset has its perks, but also causes stress on relationships, as it can unintentionally make others insecure. This has meant a shift in her friendships to be more with others that are similar to her and working on businesses themselves.

Camille Weston said this has not been a problem for her and her sister, since they are best friends and even live together. It has strengthened, rather than strained, their bond.

Camille Weston said the purpose of Nona Rose Agency is to “help businesses and brands tell their stories through custom packages.” She explained their main angle is that since technology has taken away emotion, technology needs to bring this emotion back.

Looking into the future, Camille Weston hopes to be a serial entrepreneur, meaning she plans on building and selling businesses. For now, though, her focus is on growing Nona Rose Agency.

Hope Detweiler, Camille Weston’s best friend, has witnessed Camille Weston in action and has been impressed by her efforts.

“She pours her whole being into whatever she does and, with Nona Rose, has proven how dedicated she is to making her dreams a reality,” Detweiler said.

Throughout the journey, Camille Weston pointed out what a “wild ride” it has been. She believes that true happiness comes from creation. She claimed that all people are creators and entrepreneurship provides an opportunity for such creation.

“I have no doubt Camille will continue to make things — and seemingly impossible things — happen,” Detweiler said.

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