Marriott Student Review offers real world experience to students


By Lizeth Vejar

The Marriott Student Review magazine gives students real work experience and teaches about business and success.

“MSR for me has really been a way that I’ve been able to kind of find my place here at BYU,” managing editor Dani Mattison said.

The Marriott Student Review is a magazine from the Marriott School of Business. It is produced by students for students. The magazine prints issues in April, August, and December. Stands with copies of the magazine are in the Tanner Building and Wilkinson Student Center.

Marriott Student Review also has digital copies of the magazine and an online blog, Marriott Saturday Reads, where they post articles every Saturday. The articles for the magazine and the blog are written by BYU students and are about business topics.

The Marriott Student Review has both an English and Spanish podcast episodes released every week where they talk about success in life.

“We are highlighting issues and we are also highlighting stories of people who have gone through those issues and have achieved success,” Spanish podcast lead team Diego Calderon said.

Most of the guests on the podcast are BYU students, but they interview professors as well. They even have had influential leaders like Mitt Romney join.

“My hope is that I’m able to bless some lives and help those who need some answers,” podcast guest Hank Smith said. 

Marriott Student Review was born because of a talk given by BYU President Kevin J Worthen. The talk was about the importance of inspired learning for students.

“And so, because of that, I decided, what can I do to inspire students better in terms of communication in the business school,” Marriott Student Review faculty advisor Marianna Richardson said.

Marriott Student Review’s first issue was published in 2017. As of August 2020, they have had more than 33,000 downloads with most of their readers located outside of the United States.

The purpose of the Marriott Student Review is to give students a real work experience and also have a real product brought to a real audience. This experience encourages many students to intern with the magazine.

“I did my internship with MSR over the summer and it was a lot of fun. I got a lot of really good experiences from it,” journalism student Margaret Darby said.

Next semester, the Marriott Student Review will start a podcast in Portuguese.

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