A new online system has been created to allow members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to send in names of family or friends to be placed on temple prayer rolls, the First Presidency announced Tuesday.
Prayer rolls are used in the Chuch's temples for members to place the names of family or friends with specific needs. Members then pray collectively for those whose names are listed on the prayer roll.
Effective immediately, members can request to place a name on temple prayer rolls by visiting any temple’s information page and clicking the prayer roll link. Requests can also now be made through the “Temples” section of the Member Tools mobile app for Android, and iOS users can send in requests through the app starting Sept. 1.
As soon as the names are entered, they will be sent either to the selected temple or the nearest operating temple, depending on whether or not the desired temple is closed.
The new system will allow Church members whose temple attendance has been affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to participate in some aspect of temple service. Although select temples have reopened for living ordinances, none have yet to open for proxy ordinances.