One of the best parts of being a news photographer is that I get to cover something different every day. I rarely have to sit in an office, I love covering sports and campus events, and I get to meet new people and tell their stories through photos.
I knew that work would be different as soon as COVID-19 hit and BYU went online. I wasn’t sure what to expect while working remotely. Normally my job requires me to be at different events, to talk to people around campus, and to go with reporters to interviews. I wasn’t sure what responsibilities I’d have since most in-person interviews were no longer possible and campus had emptied. I was worried that I wouldn’t be needed or that I would get bored sitting at home with my laptop and an empty SD card.
Thankfully, I’ve had plenty of opportunities over the past few months to contribute to The Daily Universe. My work schedule has been less busy since March, but I definitely have not been bored. I’ve been able to work with reporters and editors to create photo illustrations, dig into our archives for old sports photos, and create art comparing campus before and after the semester went online.
While working remotely, I have been able to push myself creatively and collaborate with my coworkers more often than I expected. I’ve enjoyed watching our staff come up with new ways to communicate and connect, and I appreciate our team’s dedication to quality content even during rough times. Adjusting to working remotely was easier than expected, and COVID-19 restrictions have helped me look outside of the box even more than usual when coming up with ideas for art.
As restrictions have changed, I have had more opportunities to cover community events. I’ve enjoyed every chance to get outside and connect with new people again, while still being cautious. I’m excited to return to campus in the fall and to continue documenting how our campus and community will change during the semester.
— Hannah Miner
Universe Photographer