Highlights from BYU colleges


College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

BYU professor Daniel Austin received the Curt Brunnee Award by The International Mass Spectrometry Society. (Daniel Austin)
  • BYU professor Daniel Austin, who has a doctorate degree in physical chemistry, was presented with the Curt Brunnee Award by The International Mass Spectrometry Society. As only the third scientist in North America to receive this award, he was recognized for outstanding contributions to the development of instrumentation for mass spectrometry. Austin’s accomplishments include developing the world’s smallest linear ion trap, technology to uncover molecules that detect possible habitable environments or life in the solar system and an image charge detector that, in collaboration with NASA, will measure the charge and size of atmospheric dust on Mars.

College of Fine Arts and Communications

The BYU Young Company will be presenting the play, “The World’s Strongest Librarian.” (BYU Department of Theatre and Media Arts)

Religious Education

Five BYU students majoring in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (ANES), led by Mark Ellison of the Department of Ancient Scripture, spent four weeks working on archaeological excavations at the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq near the Sea of Galilee. (Photo courtesy of Jim Haberman)
  • BYU Ancient Near Eastern Studies students spent four weeks in the ancient village of Huqoq, Jerusalem, working on archaeological excavations. The students visited historical sites, received expert advice through hands-on experience and aided in the discovery of two rows of mosaic tiles. The mosaics depict scripture-related stories and principles, including spies being sent to Canaan by Moses, and a child leading an animal with a rope leash, with an inscripted phrase from Isaiah 11:6, “A little child shall lead them.” 

Marriott School of Business

Colby Wright, associate professor of finance, was one of three BYU faculty members to receive a Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award. (BYU Photo)
Troy Nielson, associate professor of organizational behavior and human resources, was one of six BYU faculty members to receive a Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellowship. (BYU Photo)

Click the buttons below to go to each of the colleges news page, or see University news here.

[vc_btn title=”Family, Home and Social Sciences ” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ffhss.byu.edu%2FPages%2Fhome.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Ira A Fulton College of Engineering and Technology” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.et.byu.edu%2Fcollege-news||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fkennedy.byu.edu%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Marriott School of Management” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fmarriottschool.byu.edu%2F||” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”David O. McKay School of Education” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feducation.byu.edu%2Fnews||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Life Sciences” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Flifesciences.byu.edu%2FResources%2FCollegeNews.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Humanities” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhumanities.byu.edu%2Fmedia-gallery%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Fine Arts and Communications” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcfac.byu.edu%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Nursing” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fnursing.byu.edu%2Fabout%2Fnews%2FNewsArchive.aspx||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcpms.byu.edu%2Fnews%2F||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”J. Reuben Clark Law School” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law2.byu.edu%2Fnews2%2Fhome.php||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]
[vc_btn title=”Religious Education” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Freligion.byu.edu%2Fevents||target:%20_blank” el_class=”college-highlights”]

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