Tab for a Cause allows people to raise money for charities while clicking on new tabs. BYU is currently behind in #MarchGladness and is competing for first place against Princeton University. (Screenshot/Tab for a Cause)
March Madness may be over, but #MarchGladness is alive and well. As of today, BYU has made it into the final round of Gladly's bracket competition. Tab for a Cause, which is in partnership with Goodblock (owned by Gladly), has put on the competition since 2011.
The competition allows internet users to raise money for charity simply by tabbing on a web browser. BYU won the competition last year in a close race with Princeton University. The college with the most 'hearts' at the end of the competition receives $1,500 in cash prizes through a scavenger hunt around campus.
Charity is reached by using advertising banners. When opening a new tab with a few banners across the bottom, the company raises a few cents for a charity with every new tab. Simple as that. With college students across campus tabbing every few seconds, why not turn that into raising money for a good cause?

To join the #MarchGladness competition and help BYU win for the second year in a row, go here and join the Tab for a Cause browser extension. Make sure to join BYU's group to be included in the bracket by visiting the MarchGladness home page and clicking 'join a group.'