'I did a candy-gram, wrote on his mirror, decorated his room with streamers and his favorite candy on his bed.' — Jessie Jones, pre-management, Omaha, Neb.

'I've never gotten one... You should treat your boyfriend or girlfriend special everyday.' — Jacob Tonini, undeclared, Houston.

'The best valentine I got was honestly the texts I get from my mom that say 'I love you.'' — Justin Talbot, management, Loveland, Ohio

'My mother. Every Valentine's she would put out a card and a piece of candy. We would wake up to and it was the most sincere.' — Spencer Stucki, pre-business, Cinncinati

'The best valentine I received was when my girlfriend, now wife, gave me flowers, chocolates and a knife.'— Jared Johnson, manufacturing engineering, Cameron Park, Calif.