Weekly 5: Best nap spots on campus


Sleeping on campus is a problem students may face at one time or another during their tenure at BYU. When the wooden table in the library just won’t cut it anymore, there are several comfortable options hidden throughout campus. Just be sure not to get caught on the ‘BYU Sleeps’ Instagram.

1. Soft chairs in the periodicals 

Find your way down to the second floor of the library, where cell service is limited and studying is intense. Grab two of the comfortable chairs and put them together, facing each other. Climb on top of the two chairs and settle in for a nice nap in the periodicals.

Kirsten Christensen, a senior athletic training major from Aloha, Ore., thinks the periodicals are the best place to catch a few z’s.

“My favorite place to nap on campus is in the periodicals,” Christensen said. “The complete silence and comfy chairs and footrests make for the perfect napping spot, as long as you’re not uncomfortable sleeping in public.”

2. Memorial Hall in the Wilkinson Center

Memorial Hall is a well-kept secret found on the main floor of the Wilkinson Student Center. Windows open up to a beautiful view of Y Mountain and couches offer students a comfortable place to rest their heads from long, tiring days.

Mckensie Bellomy, a senior elementary education major from Farmington, always chooses the Memorial Hall as her nap spot.

“It’s really quiet and no one talks in there, so that’s nice,” Bellomy said. “If you ever go in there, you’ll notice that anyone using a couch is asleep. It’s the culture in there, everyone expects you to sleep so you don’t feel dumb. I once fell asleep in the Memorial Hall and woke up four hours later.”

3. Joseph Fielding Smith Building Quad

On a warm, sunny day there is no better place to nap then inside the JFSB quad. The gentle sound of water running in the fountain is enough white-noise to drown out the sound of people walking to class. The warmth of the sun and the fresh outside air will surely help you fall asleep.

4. Women’s restroom on the 2nd floor of the HFAC

For all of the lucky women on BYU’s campus, there is a perfect red couch in this HFAC bathroom. The couch is tucked away in the bathroom, away from masses of students, allowing one to take a quick power nap needed to get through the rest of the day.

Brooke LeBaron, a senior advertising major from Mesa, Ariz., is a fan of this special napping spot.

“I like the couch in the girl’s bathroom on the second floor of the HFAC because it’s really comfortable and not a lot of people know about that bathroom so they don’t go in there,” LeBaron said. “I used to go during orchestra rehearsal when I was really tired after lunch and take five minutes naps.”

5. Cubicles in the library

If sleeping in public just isn’t your thing, but you desperately need to power up, the cubicles throughout the library are a nice option. While sleeping on a desk may not be the most comfortable option, it does afford a nice amount of privacy so you’re not caught drooling in front of your peers.

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