Camping keeps Friday nights fun


By Krista Roy

There is a tarp tucked under the bed, with a sleeping bag stacked on top. Never have two inanimate objects looked so anxious and ready to go.

Their owner, Kim Stevens, a senior from Colorado Springs studying mechanical engineering, puts them to good use. Last summer, she set a goal to never spend Friday night in her bed.

“I was thinking of things I wanted to do that summer and realized there was no reason I shouldn’t be camping every Friday night,” she said.

Steven’s camping streak lasted from start of summer into Fridays of fall, and she even camped during winter semester.

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Kim Stevens, Krista Roy, Mackenzie Gregerson and Jenny Stevens hunker down in sleeping bags during a Friday night camping trip.
“In January, my roommates and I went to Goblin Valley thinking we would get warm weather, but it got down to three degrees Fahrenheit,” Stevens said. “We didn’t sleep much, but it was still fun.”

Scott Jackson, a junior from Everett, Washington studying mechanical engineering, finds inspiration in Steven’s weekend hobby.

“Our group just went out and did something no one else was doing, and it didn’t need to be planned.”

Stevens agrees and says this hobby teaches her to live off the bare necessities.

“I bring a tarp, sleeping bag, sometimes a hammock and running shoes,” Stevens said. “There’s nothing better than rolling out of a sleeping bag and running in the Saturday air when everyone else in Provo is still sleeping in their beds.”

Stevens and her outdoorsy attitude will keep her out of her bed again every Friday night this summer.

“Life is too short to spend it sleeping in your bed,” she said.

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