Letter: Panhandling


I live in Salt Lake, and anytime I go anywhere it seems there are panhandlers on every corner. Utah statistics show that 50 percent of residents give money to panhandlers. I used to be one of those statistics, until I understood the truth about panhandlers.

According to the state, the majority of panhandlers are not homeless. According to an Urban Institute article, “People who engage in panhandling commonly use the money for alcohol, drugs, and food.” As such, what are we supporting when we give our spare change? Do we realize we are contributing to the drug and alcohol market?

So, am I saying not to donate to the poor ever again? Absolutely not. All I am saying is stop giving cash to panhandlers. Instead, donate your money to a place such as a shelter or women’s center. Or, if you are like me and don’t feel good about telling a panhandler no, carry food such as granola bars to offer them. You will be surprised by how many people will turn them down. At least then you have something to offer instead of enabling a bad habit.

Salt Lake City

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