Letter: Shirt on their back


I had a similar reaction as the author of the Readers’ Forum “What not to wear (9/15)” when I read the GQ magazine rating.

I had just gotten accepted to BYU and I was sure, no matter what GQ said, coming to BYU would be a life-changing experience.

I bet that’s what the guy wearing running shoes with cargo pants thought.

Now, he’s being judged. Not by some far off entity that never met him, but by someone that he lives with, goes to church with and goes to class with.

Is it not enough to let GQ poke fun at us? We have to let it ruin the spirit of our campus too?

I think its ridiculous to single out the men of BYU. Being No. 1 in GQ Magazine shouldn’t matter to any of us.

I didn’t come to BYU to be judged by my appearance and neither did the guy wearing white socks with dress pants.

I came for a Christ-centered education. Last time I checked, he didn’t rank very high in GQ either.

In the future, please be more understanding in your regard for your fellow students.

Striped shirts might not match plaid shorts, but these men are priesthood holders, returned missionaries, leaders of the Church, sons, husbands, brothers, etc.

Out of all the things these guys are doing right, let’s not condemn them if their belt isn’t the same color as their shoes.


Rachel LaForce

Lancaster, Calif.

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