Letter: Home-ophobia?


In response to “Modern immorality (11/10)” and “Ways to raise (11/8),” I’d like to offer another perspective on children being raised by homosexual parents.

I know a homosexual couple who are raising two beautiful children and, let me assure you, the environment those kids are in is far better than many others, even, if I dare say, ones with both a mother and father.

Qualifying the character and ability to raise children simply because someone is gay reeks of the self-righteous syndrome so commonly found in the bubble.

Categorizing situations as “good, better, best” solely based on sexual orientation is ridiculous.

Yes, homosexuality shouldn’t be accepted, but casting judgment on the home of a gay couple because they don’t live the same moral principles we do is outrageous.

We believe in Christ, but does that mean Buddhist parents are less capable of providing a suitable home?

Additionally, considering the neglect and abuse children often receive in foster care, orphanages and heterosexual households to be better than the homes of loving, committed homosexuals is nothing short of crazy.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World also states parents should rear their children in love and righteousness, provide for their physical and spiritual needs and teach them to love and serve one another, to name a few.

To think only heterosexual couples are capable of doing this is crazy talk.
We should not accept homosexuality, but that does not mean we should consider those who do unfit to have a family.

Katie Peacock

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