
Can Provo support potential policy changes limiting purchase of gas-powered vehicles?

Current policy trends point to a future without gas-powered vehicles.

Obama’s pick for Education says teachers saved his life

President Barack Obama's choice to serve as Education Secretary says he rose to his current position because New York City public school teachers "literally saved my life."
Rebecca Nissen

Presidential candidates differ widely on future impact of environmental policies

America is in the midst of election season. It’s a season of change not only for the presidency, but also for policies the chosen candidate will support. Policies made or rescinded address the impact of climate change on the environment. Though not as hotly debated as other topics during the recent president and vice president debates, research shows that the action taken now could greatly impact the lives of American's in the future.

Obama vetoes bill to repeal signature health care law

Protecting his signature domestic achievement, President Barack Obama on Friday vetoed legislation to repeal his health care law, saying the measure "would reverse the significant progress we have made in improving health care in America."

Bill to remove state food tax also removes constitutional earmark for...

House Bill 101, removing state food tax, is currently in the Senate but has multiple barriers to pass through before the tax is removed.

Sun will come up after election, said BYU political science professors

The results of the 2020 presidential election will not be the end of the world, BYU political science professor Richard Davis told students during a Nov. 4 panel on the pending election results.