Letter: The Universe worldwide

The Universe worldwideMany thanks to the writers and editors of The Daily Universe.I graduated from BYU a few years back and live in a...

Letter: Self-interest & patriotism

To my tea-sipping friend, I would invite you to attend several business classes and American Heritage here on campus if you haven’t already.Here are...

Letter: The color of spirit

One of the biggest aids in sports, especially college sports, is the crowd. Think about college crowds: Penn State has white outs, Ohio State’s...

Letter: Porn vs. Pornography

I read with interest the latest in a long march of Universe articles on the fight against pornography.May I suggest, however, using the entire...

Letter: Protecting Americans

The letter to the editor titled “Invited to a tea party (8/30)” contained little more than party-line rhetoric.First, taxing businesses that ship jobs overseas...

Letter: Trouble with immigrants

I’d like to say a few words about illegal immigration. Breaking the law is always immoral, a lesson we can learn from Harriet Tubman,...
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