The best and worst of Halloween

Best treats while trick-or-treating: king-size candy bars, fun dip, popcorn balls, caramel apples, money, cider and donuts, juice boxes and already popped bags of...

Dentist buys back Halloween candy to help troops

Candy buy backs are becoming popular as a way to keep children from eating  large amounts of candy they may collect while trick-or-treating. An...

Local WIC clinics offer support for new mothers

Women, Infants and Children, more commonly known as WIC,  a government-funded program aimed at helping mothers and their children live healthy lives, offers free...

Center Street viaduct will be demolished

By Justin SmithThe viaduct connecting Center Street east and west of I-15 in Provo is being demolished.Work to destroy the historic bridge began Thursday...

Vivint is changing public perception

If Netflix's Qwikster was the Pinto of rebrandings, then APX Alarm's reinvention as Vivint may well be the Aston Martin.Many have speculated why the...

Utah awarded for online voter registration website

The Center for Digital Government, a national institute dedicated to promoting digital information services in government, named Utah's online voter registration program as a...
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