Carson buries ‘the hatchet,’ endorses Trump for president

Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says he and Donald Trump have "buried the hatchet" after months of political wrangling, and he is endorsing the GOP front-runner's White House bid.

2016 Legislature ends with $14.5 billion budget and Medicaid expansion

Utah House members cheered as Speaker Greg Hughes, R-Draper, announced “Day 45” Thursday morning as lawmakers wrapped up the final day of lawmaking on Utah’s Capitol Hill at midnight Thursday.

From bees to bison: Some legislative bills are just quirky

BeekeepingTwo beekeeping bills went head to head during this year’s session, and neither came out a victor. HB115 would have eliminated the need for...

Obama hosts dinner for Canadian Prime Minister

The first state dinner of President Barack Obama's final year honors Canada and its newest sensation named Justin: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Gunmen, 1 with rifle, worked as team to kill 5 at cookout

Two gunmen working as a team fatally shot five people and critically wounded two others at a backyard cookout, with one attacker using a high-velocity rifle to shoot all the victims in the head as they were driven in his direction, a prosecutor said Thursday.

Rep. John Knotwell juggles politics, business and family

 8:25 a.m.: Vice Chair of the House Business and Labor Committee walks in the door, fist bumps Rep. Jake Anderegg, and takes his seat.Rep....
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