Speaking out about sexual abuse ‘not enough’

Thousands have taken to social media using #MeToo to speak out about sexual abuse. But speaking out about sexual assault is the first step among many to make real change happen.

BYU Title IX Office continues to evolve

Title IX has been pushed to the forefront in light of new guidance from the Department of Education, as well as the viral social media movement #MeToo.

Police Beat Oct. 17-24

Provo/Orem area crime for Oct. 17-24.

Girl Scouts program continues to focus on girl-led experience

The Girl Scouts program is focused on each girl creating their individualized scouting experience. The LDS church's Young Women's program and the Girl Scout program teach girls different aspects of development and learning.

BYU Broadcasting announces TV and radio consolidation plans

BYU Broadcasting plans to consolidate its existing television and radio operations into two related networks in a move that will take effect on June 30, 2018.

Congressional candidates engage in heated discussion at debate

Candidates Kathie Allen, Jim Bennett and John Curtis discussed questions from local residents at the Utah 3rd Congressional Debate. The election to replace former congressman Jason Chaffetz will take place on Nov. 7.
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