How to volunteer with Thanksgiving dinners

Looking for a place to volunteer and serve Thanksgiving meals? Know someone in need of a Thanksgiving meal? See information below from Food and...

Learn 5 facts related to BYU Native American population

The entire month of November is known as Native American Heritage month. Listed below are five facts about the Native American students on campus. 

Timeline: The evolution of gun control in America

An active conversation on gun control continues about what needs to change to ensure the security in America. This timeline outlines how gun control has evolved throughout American history.

BYU Native American students celebrate culture daily

BYU Native American students discuss their culture and heritage. November is Native American Heritage month.

Police Beat: Oct. 31-Nov. 6

Provo/Orem area crime for Oct. 31-Nov. 6.

How bitcoin technology could impact our world

Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency rising quickly in popularity and value, but also has a stigma for being used in the black market. BYU students recently started the Crypto Club to explore this technology.
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