Businesses owned by women of color connect at monthly Utah markets

Two Utah women are bringing the state's women of color entrepreneurs together through monthly small business markets called Strength in Shades.

Utah group shares Bolivian culture through dance

Ballet Folklorico Bolivia (Utah-USA) aim to share their rich Bolivian culture through traditional Bolivian dance with people across the U.S.

New Primary general presidency announced in General Conference

Sisters Camille N. Johnson, Susan Elizabeth Porter and Amy Eileen Wright have been called as the new general presidency of the Primary.

Will wards continue live-stream meetings beyond pandemic?

Local leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are undecided on whether meetings will continue to be livestreamed to accommodate the sick and disabled members of their congregations.

New Instagram platform shares LGBTQ experiences at BYU

A BYU student has launched an Instagram account to share stories and experiences from LGBTQ students.

Negativity, hate speech on social media at a level ‘never seen before’

Negativity on social media has increased in the past year and has included backlash against leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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