There’s a lot mo’ to Movember than just the mustache

Men worldwide are helping raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer by growing mustaches during the month...

Survey shows high approval of WIC

The Woman, Infants and Children, or WIC, nutrition program in Utah announced that 71 percent of participants said they receive excellent services according to...

New moms maintain healthy lifestyles

Her diet was adjusted significantly during the first trimester of pregnancy. After having bad morning sickness all day, she had to find solutions, but...

Food and drink choices can change travel experience

Making healthy food choices may not be the first priority for most travelers, but consuming greasy fast food and skipping on essential nutrients can...

New app allows doctors to instantly diagnose

A Salt Lake City medical team has invented a medical diagnostic app that allows doctors to receive instant results to blood tests, even in...

Healthy choices make a healthy business for BYU student

When Bekah Coffey met with her client Brittany Bowers one afternoon, she was planning on new workout routines and fitness talk. Right away the...
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