Education Week

The Utah War through Eastern eyes

Even among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and residents of Utah, the Utah War doesn’t sound familiar. "It ranks just...

Lessons of flourishing learned through gardens and art at Education Week

Ensign College humanities professor Mary Favro believes that all types of creators have lessons to impart about flourishing.

Education Week: Psychologist details the Spirit and anxiety

Clinical psychologist Debra Theobald McClendon spoke of the relationship between anxiety and the Spirit during Education Week Wednesday morning.She highlighted traits of toxic perfectionism and religious obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) she had observed in working with different clients, offering insights to remedy the causes of strife.
Addie Blacker

Education Week: The blessings of expounding the scriptures

Retired seminary and institute instructor Michael L. King discussed the blessings from expounding the scriptures during his Education Week presentation Monday morning.

Islam: A growing religion that needs greater understanding 

Islam is one of the world's four largest religions with 1.5 billion members and is growing quickly, but is often misunderstood.In his Education Week...

Education week: Knowing love works is the key to overcoming fear,...

Kathy Headlee Miner firmly believes that everyone in this world loves her."Every single human being on the planet, every one, in every country, loves me. Adores me," she said with a smile. "And I know that I love every single person on the planet in that same way. Some have just forgotten."