Capital West News

Gov. Gary R. Herbert passes off 498 bills and vetoes three

SALT LAKE CITY –  Gov. Gary R. Herbert finished reviewing the bills that passed through Utah’s 2018 General Legislative session on March 28, signing...

BYU alumna Sen. Diedre Henderson “represents the underdog”

SALT LAKE CITY-- Every week during Utah's 45-day legislative session, Sen. Diedre Henderson leaves her husband and younger children behind in Spanish Fork. She comes to...

Opiate reversal drug bills moving to House debate

The overdose reversal drug Naloxone has become a hot topic in a state with skyrocketing opioid overdose death rates.

Online vendors may be responsible for online sales tax

Online shopping, while convenient, may result in tax evasion.When Utah-based consumers make purchases from retailers without a physical presence in Utah, they are responsible to keep track of the state's taxes on the sale of all those items and report it as Use Tax on their annual income tax returns, according to Utah Tax Commission.
Bryan Pearson

SB165 would bring plastic bag ban to Utah

SALT LAKE CITY—A Utah Senator is taking a shot at reducing the state's plastic bag waste by introducing a bill that would require stores...

Members of different faiths gather in support of Hate Crime bill

SALT LAKE CITY — A group of members from different faiths and ethnicities gathered together in support of a hate crime bill on Thursday, Feb. 18.Lawmakers in favor...