How to select a minor in college

The question of whether or not to take a minor in college is an essential one. Research illustrates that having a minor in college enhances the holistic nature of the degree program, working to supplement the major you have elected to pursue. You also get to enlarge your knowledge base and education in fields you are passionate about.

4 Simple Ways to Step Up Your Presentations

Being able to create quality presentations is a crucial skill in today’s world as workplaces, businesses, and schools are relying on technology now more than ever to communicate. Here are some general rules to keep in mind when creating your presentations, as well as information about free online tools that can help you make an awesome presentation in a matter of minutes.

Medical technologies that will disrupt (and improve) healthcare in the 2020s

New technological applications in diagnosis and treatment carry the potential of saving millions of lives a year while also dramatically reducing our overall healthcare costs.

Tips for finding an off-campus apartment

Looking for your first off-campus apartment is an exciting time, but it might not be easy if you're unsure about where to begin. Here are some tips to get you started on your new adventure.

Career building tips for US college students during COVID-19

The global pandemic of 2020 has had devastating impacts, especially college students finishing up their degree. Students usually get the opportunity to intern with a company relevant to their course of study before they graduate and therefore have a reliable recommendation for potential employees. Since COVID-19 has sent many university students packing and graduating virtually, where do they go from here?

Preparing for a career as an attorney

If you're interested in pursuing a career as an attorney, now is a great time to learn more about this fascinating and rewarding field. Preparing for law school takes time and effort, it is true, but most law schools look favorably on applicants who work hard and demonstrate a passion for what they're studying.
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