Provo Temple closes after 52 years


The Provo Utah Temple closed its doors for the last time as an operating temple on Saturday, Feb. 24. 

Dedicated in 1972, the Provo Temple has served Latter-day Saints in the area for 52 years. On Feb. 24, 2024 patrons went with a specific purpose in mind — to say goodbye. 

“It’s been special to be here this day and to see the people in the celestial room. There must have been 80 people in there … with tears in their eyes, knowing it was the last time for a lot of these people, so it’s been a special day,” Robert Craner, a lifelong temple patron and senior missionary in Orem, said.

Attendees said they felt a special connection to this specific temple for it’s unique architecture, longstanding history and all the memories and spiritual experiences it holds.

“Everyone wants one last memory of being in this temple, it’s been so iconic for so many people,” Leesa Owens, a former temple worker, said.

Lifelong Provo Temple attendee, Lesley Pimentel said everyone there had a special connection to the actual physical building.

“To see it be no more is just a little hard for my mind to wrap around,” Pimentel said.

Pimentel said the new temple will be much larger to adapt to the area’s rapid growth and accommodate the number of people who will attend.

“Even though the Lord doesn’t change, we have change, we have to change,” she said.

The new temple will be just below the current site and will be called the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple.

“It’s going to be a rebirth, we’ll just have to wait a few years, four years probably,” Owens said.

The Church has not released a completion date for the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple. During the temple’s reconstruction, crowds will be redirected to the Provo City Center Temple and newly dedicated Orem Temple.

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