Light Our Campus campaign spreads holiday cheer and service


Christmas is 26 days away, but the celebrations are on their way to campus. Students are bringing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Light The World campaign to BYU.

BYUSA Light Out Campus team lead McKelle Winsor said December can be a stressful time especially for students trying to get finals done, but starting Dec. 1, BYUSA is bringing the Christmas spirit to life with the Light Our Campus campaign.

“What I am looking forward to light our campus is the opportunity for students to serve especially in a difficult time like this,” BYUSA Honor vice president Andrew Brindley said.

Each day in December, BYUSA will host events that encourage students to serve, celebrate and remember the reason for the season.

“Each activity we wanted to first of all focus on Jesus, but also focus on other people,” Winsor said

Some of these events will be donut handouts, helping clean up the community, hot chocolate after Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve’s devotional, and more.

BYUSA is hoping to encourage service and joy during December.

“As we serve, we can create a community of belonging and a community of love through Christ-centered service,” Brindley said.

All of BYUSA’s activities will occur at the Wilkinson Student Center throughout December. A full list of the activities can be found at BYUSA’s Instagram.

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