Elder Teixeira encourages students to hold on and keep pedaling

Elder José A. Teixeira tells BYU students how to become spiritually minded in dealing with the pandemic and other challenges during the Feb. 9 BYU devotional. (Alyssa Dahneke/BYU Photo)

Elder José A. Teixeira of the Presidency of the Seventy told BYU students to be spiritually minded when handling changes like the pandemic during the Feb. 9 devotional.

Holding on, however, is not enough to keep balanced on a bicycle. Elder Teixeira emphasized actions that represent pedaling to keep a bicycle balanced. These include recognizing the Spirit and following its promptings.

He told a story of his four-year-old granddaughter Annie, who said her secret to riding a bike was to “hold on and keep pedaling.” Elder Teixeira offered his granddaughter’s advice to BYU students navigating metaphorical hills and bumps in life.

“For us the simple daily acts of prayer, scripture study and application of the prophet’s counsel keep our spirituality upright and moving forward, despite the bumps and hills, pandemics and changes of life,” he said.

The gift of the Holy Ghost is an extraordinary tool for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in dealing with pandemic changes, Elder Teixeira said.

“Choosing to be spiritually minded by living a life worthy of the Holy Ghost’s
gentle persuasions will provide you guidance in your decisions and protection from
both physical and spiritual danger,” he said.

In addition to the Holy Ghost, Elder Teixeira listed tools the Church provides to keep members spiritually minded during the pandemic. Some of these tools include the Gospel Library app, ministering, home-centered learning and the “Come, Follow Me” curriculum. He also praised members for adapting their spiritual growth to pandemic restrictions.

“We have seen many of you decisively and courageously change your routines
during this pandemic, tending to others’ needs, connecting more meaningfully with
family, being more understanding and kind, serving in your community, and dedicating time to be in tune with the things of God,” he said.

Elder José A. Teixeira tells students to “hold on and keep pedaling” to navigate the bumps and hills of life and the pandemic. (Alyssa Dahneke/BYU Photo)

Elder Teixeira ended with an invitation to take advantage of BYU’s learning environment that mixes spiritual and secular education. He promised students that being spiritually minded brings life and peace.

“I invite you to ‘hold on and keep pedaling’ to become spiritually minded by setting goals in your life for spiritual things,” he said. “After all, we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around.”

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