Letter: Intramural exceptions


Recently there’s been a lot of chatter about varsity athletes not being able to wear sleeveless attire. This hit home for me last week when I was not allowed to play an intramural Frisbee game because I wore a sleeveless jersey.

I understand there is a time and place for sleeved shirts, but wearing sleeves can hinder athletic performance.

Obviously no one wants to see the swim team walk around in Speedos, but in the pool this attire is normal, necessary and considered modest.

This principle of reasonable exception to the normal dress and grooming standards has been granted to certain members of the Theater Department, allowing them to wear full beards on campus for upcoming performances.

It does not seem to matter if something is see-through, skin-tight or otherwise revealing as long as it has sleeves.

I think we should take a step back and look at the principle of the matter, enforce what needs to be enforced and continue to make reasonable exceptions where need be.

This is especially true when considering BYU’s intramural athletes.

Like varsity athletes, I try and win competitive games whether playing for school pride and a championship or team pride and a T-shirt.

A few students have written The Daily Universe saying non-varsity athletes should not be allowed this exception since they will never run as fast or jump as high as varsity athletes.

I fail to understand why intramural athletes are not allowed to wear sleeveless attire.


Rob Versaw

Colorado Springs, Colo.

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